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Person links

A person’s links are other records that are related to the person. You define a person’s company, for example, by linking the company to them.

The table below shows what kinds of links a person record can have.

Object Description

You can link other people with a person in the following roles:



A person can belong to one or more teams, and they can have one of the following roles in a team:


Permanent member

Temporary member

Lead + permanent member


The department where the person works. The person can have one of the following roles in their department:




A person can be linked to one or more companies. They can have one of the following roles in a company:

Decision maker

Participates in decisions


Responsible person


Previous employment


You can link addresses to a person in the following roles:


Branch address

Home address



The person's main projects and projects. A person can have one of the following roles in a project:

Project manager  The person who manages the project in your organisation. The project manager has equal permissions to edit the project's tasks as each task's responsible person, which means that they can edit all data in all of the project's tasks. When you create a project's tasks automatically, for example from a tender, the project manager becomes the responsible person of those tasks.

Project manager, client  The person who manages the project in the client organisation. When you add tasks to the project, the client's project manager automatically becomes the contact person of those tasks.


You can link a person to a contract as its Responsible person.

  1. On the main menu, click Persons.

  2. Find the person and, to go to their page, click the arrow Arrow right at the right end of their row.

  3. At the bottom of the Links list, click the plus sign Plus sign.

    A screenshot of Broker Site Manager A screenshot of Broker Site Manager

  4. If the record that you want to link to isn’t included in the list that appears or if the list is empty, write part of the record’s name in the search field, and then press Enter.

  5. In the search results, click the record that you want to link to, and then click Add.

  6. If the link that you just added has the text Undefined next to it, click Undefined, and then click the correct role for the link.